Malt Extract Powder 500gm HiMedia


  • Malt Extract Powder
  • Pack Size: 500gm
  • Brand: Hi-Media
  • Made in India



Malt Extract Powder is prepared from aqueous extract of sprouted malt grains and dried at low temperatures to preserve nutrients present in the form of carbohydrates and nitrogenous substances. It is a brownish-yellow colored, homogeneous powder that dissolves in distilled water—recommended for the propagation of Yeasts and Moulds.

Warning and Precautions:

Read the label before opening the container. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/ face protection.
Follow good microbiological lab practices while handling specimens and culture. Safety guidelines may be referred in
individual safety data sheets.

Limitations of Malt Extract Powder: 

  1. It is a biological origin product since variation in color of powder and clarity may observed.
  2. Each lot of the product has been tested for the organisms specified on the COA. It is recommended that users validate
    the medium for any specific microorganism other than that mentioned in the COA based on the user’s requirement.
  3. Individual organisms differ in their growth requirement and may show variable growth patterns on the medium
    prepared by the product

Performance and Evaluation

Performance of the medium is expected when used as per the direction on the label within the expiry period when stored
at the recommended temperature.

Disclaimer :

User must ensure the suitability of the product(s) in their application before use. Products conform solely to the information contained in this and other related HiMedia™ publications. The information contained in this publication is based on our research and development work and is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate. HiMedia™ Laboratories Pvt Ltd reserves the right to make changes to specifications and information related to the products at any time. Products are not intended for human animal or therapeutic use but for laboratory, diagnostic, research, or further manufacturing use only, unless otherwise specified. Statements contained herein should not be considered as a warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and no liability is accepted for infringement of any patents.


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Malt Extract Powder 500gm HiMedia
