Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

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Original price was: 8,000.00৳ .Current price is: 7,500.00৳ .


Recommended for isolation and cultivation of many fastidious pathogenic microorganisms like Neisseria, Streptococci after addition of blood from clinical and non-clinical specimens.


generally used as a basal medium for preparing blood agar by supplementation with blood. It can also be used as general-purpose media without the addition of blood. It can be used with added phenolphthalein phosphate for the detection of phosphate producing Staphylococci, with added salt and agar for assessment of surface contamination on equipment and to determine salinity range of marine Flavobacteria. It can also be used for preparation of Salmonella Typhi antigens, recommended by APHA for testing of food samples.

SKU M073
Product Type Regular
Physical Form Powder
Origin Animal
Packaging type HDPE
References 1. Noble W. C., 1962, J. Clin, Pathol., 15:552.
2.Hansen N. H., 1962, J. Appl. Bacteriol., 25:46.
3.Hayes P. R., 1963, J. Gen. Microbiol., 30:1.
4.Schuber J. H., Edwards P. R. and Ramsere C. H., 1959, J. Bacteriol., 77:648.
5.Salfinger Y., and Tortorello M.L. Fifth (Ed.), 2015, Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination ofFoods, 5th Ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
6.U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 1995, Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 8th Ed., AOAC International, Gaithersburg,Md.
7.Atlas R. M., 1993, Handbook of Microbiology of Microbiological Media, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
8.Snavely J. G. and Brahier J., 1960, Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 33:511.9.Murray P. R., Baron J. H., Jorgensen J. H., Pfaller M. A., Yolken R. H., (Eds.), 8th Ed., 2003, Manual of ClinicalMicrobiology, ASM, Washington, D.C.10.Isenberg, H.D. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handb0ook. 2nd Editio11. Jorgensen,J.H., Pfaller , M.A., Carroll, K.C., Funke, G., Landry, M.L., Richter, S.S and Warnock., D.W. (2015)Manual Clinical Microbiology, 11th Edition. Vol. 1.
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Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)

Original price was: 8,000.00৳ .Current price is: 7,500.00৳ .